Sunday, September 30, 2018

Baby Shark

Good Morning,

Today I am writing and sharing the Video clip my dad made about me and my sister Denise when we were singing Baby Shark.

My mom and Dad thought it was cute so anyway here are the video of us. Have a good laugh about it we did.🦄🦄🦄


Saturday, September 29, 2018

Kids Party - Fun Day

Good Day

We had a great day that included face painting free food, sand art swimming and we went swimming on floaties and Lillo's it was just so much fun I didn't even want to go home I wanted to stay in the pool I got a butterfly face painting cause it was pink and pink is my favourite colour and we went home and I am really tired I got stuck at the deep end of the pool and I can't swim so we spent half an hour trying to get me out of the deep end without drowning but we did it.🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄


Signed out

Friday, September 28, 2018

Throwback Video 2013

Good Morning,
This morning I like to share with you a video when I was 4 years, Marne' was 7 years and Denise was 2 years when my Dad made a Video of us dancing for my Grandma's 72nd birthday in 2013.
Hope you ENJOY this throwback of this Video.
Love you All Daleen🦄🦄🦄

Memoir to passing: Grandfather Dennis

Memoir to Oupa Dennis:

Good Day Everyone,

Even though this post is from a sad happening in our life the day that my Grandfather went to the afterlife, I still felt like I want to share this happening on my blog. My dad went to the funeral in South Africa in the month of August of our Grandfather "Oupa Dennis" we have written some notes of us as Sisters that I will post here also.

Please see the Newspaper clip of the passing of Oupa Dennis and some photos taken during the funeral and Burial of our beloved Grandfather Dennis.

Me & my Sisters Memoirs to Oupa Dennis
Oupa was very kind to all of us and always ready to give advice and make a joke. He cared so much for us he always talked about us as his princesses. He was always there when we need him for advice he always just knew what to do. When we are sad he had good advice. Although he is no longer with us I will always have a special place in my heart for oupa MY HERO!!


Oupa was always there for us with advise and prepare to listen and try to fix what was wrong. We were all very close to Oupa end even though our opinions were different we love him so much. I still love Oupsie so much and always will love him cause he was so kind. Even though he went to Jesus and he is not with us no more in flesh, his soul of an angel is looking at us right now. I was so sad on Thursday when I asked Dad to call oupa to hear that he went to Jesus.

Oupa was a kind-hearted man if I could turn back time to spend more time with him I would. Oupa was a very clever man that I could look up to. He was a very caring person and he always gave us good advice we all miss him but now he is an angel watching over us and protecting us all. I was so happy to see Oupa and Ouma when I graduated from Eversdal Pre-Primary.