Thursday, November 7, 2019

Induction - Pathfinders FEBRUARY 2019

I am so disappointed in myself that I been out of action for some time on my blog but I have been busy this year by doing a huge amount of 32 Honors in Pathfinders - I joined the Friends class for children 10 years old as my birthday is in January.

I am going to share some things about the induction we did at Dubai Central club where we joined as there were some other kids from South Africa and parts of Africa as well.

You can see some photos below of the induction, Incase you don't know what the induction is its the begging of the year when we get to sign up to pathfinders. 

I will share some pictures of my classmates and my sisters when we did the induction.

Unicorn friend🦄🦄🦄 Daleen


Here I am with my sisters and a friend from South Africa, Gail-Marie Steyn



Here I am with my sisters and our Dad after our Induction as Pathfinders me as Friend, and Marne as Voyager and Denise as Adventurer Sunbeam, who knew what we will be doing and what we were expected to do.

Classmates Friend Class in Pathfinders:

Here I am with my Counsellor MG Anne and the short people also known as my classmates and MIT Boniface and Fenn

I am now going to explain to you about the Pathfinders Classes;

The Classes of Pathfinders are:

  • GUIDE (15 YEARS)

I will attend the FRIEND class and my older sister Marne will be attending the Voyager class in 2019.
