After the Adventurers Induction Ceremony has been completed it was the Pathfinders turn to be inducted. Daleen was inducted as Companion and I (Marne') was inducted as Guide for our classes for 2020.
We started the induction with reciting the pledge and the law and singing the Pathfinder song. Then Director Gureni requested us to take the prayer position for the prayer. The current members did a presentation on the Pathfinder pledge and the law with an explanation and salute to Director Randy.
We then started with the induction from the FRIENDS to the GUIDE class, that included the scarfing and the lighting of the candle.
In the photos above we are getting our scarfs placed around our necks with the other new members that joined Sharjah club during the scarfing ceremony.
Now Daleen and I are lighting our candles as members of Sharjah club.
This is all the new members inducted as Pathfinders with Sharjah club for 2020.
Here we are all the newbie members and the new instructors that joined the Sharjah club in 2020. My parents will also be instructors this year with Sharjah club, my mom will be the teacher with the Adventurers for the Eager Beaver class, and my dad the instructor with the Pathfinders for the Ranger class. I believe we will all have a fun-filled time in the year ahead.
What a Welcome feeling to be part of the Sharjah Pathfinder Club, all members of the club together with the new members and new instructors of the Sharjah club that attended the induction even though we had to conquer the raining floods.

Thank you for the opportunity Daleen to write on your blog. Marne'.