Friday, December 13, 2019

Dog Shelter Umm Al Quwain Dog Walk

A lovely hello to you All today folks I am going to tell you about the time I went to walk dogs for a dog shelter.  We were fortunate to be informed by a good friend of my dad about the Dog Walking taking place on Fridays at Umm Al Quwain so me and my sister has joined on various occasions to go along with my mom and her friend to do dog walking on Friday afternoons at 3:30pm to assist the Dog Shelter in walking the dogies as exercise is so important for them.

This is my Mom and me with our doggie we walked

Al the photos above were about the dog walk when I and my mom joined with her good friend Nicole at the dog shelter walking the doggies.

Then my sister Marne was so excited and interested to also go with my mom and Nicole to go for dog walking at the shelter so after summer she had the opportunity to also go for dog walking and it seems from the photos that she enjoyed it thoroughly.
See Photos below!!

This dog really loved my sister Marne very much



Well our journey for today has come to an end until next time bye

A quick word for the shelter 
Please if you are looking for dogs they have dogs that really badly need homes so please do not buy adopt and if you have any questions like "Where is the place?" well all questions will be answered in the comments 

Also, you can find them on facebook at

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