Thursday, December 12, 2019

Knots Tying - Daleen

Knots Tying Honor
Hello, readers so my post today won't be as exciting as usual but it's still good content so I'm telling you about knots today. When we attended our Club Camporee in Abu  Dhabi we were taught some basic knots by MG Daily that we had to try out and practised with the other members of the Friends Class and Companion as it is part of Nature in our Friends Curriculum. 


After the Camporee, we had to go and practised the knots at home and then prepare a Knot Board of about 20 different knows as requirement for gaining the Knots Honour the other essential requirement for the knots honour was that of making Rope my dad was asked to be the instructor for the making Rope with my assistance.

This is some sort of rope making device

here we have my dad teaching my class knots and how to make rope.


That's all today have a good day bye

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