Thursday, December 12, 2019

Weather Honor - Marne

Good day, everybody, I decided to do the weather honor since checking the weather forecast is a huge passion of mine. I really enjoy checking the weather for a few days in advance in our house I  am like the weather lady and I  am hardly ever wrong.

 The honor of the weather is very interesting to me learning about cloud formations, % of rain and temperature of the sun. For the final requirement, I had to keep a record for two weeks what the weather will be like such as temperature, wind, sun/ rain and so forth and my sisters know already that when I am checking on the weather and predict that it is going to be cold or it going to rain then you can be sure it will be so.

The last requirement that I had to do was to make a weather Vane from some household materials. I have used a plastic plate, a foamolite cup, pin, straw, cardboard and a pencil. Here are some photos of the Weather Vane that I have made.


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